We’ve brought back the classic 2016 edition of the game and taken it to the next level with the inclusion of the Aberrations and Undead expansion so you can now get the complete Tyrants of the Underdark experience in one box!
Game board
Storage tray
Pad of scorecards
4 Drow-house playmats
220 Plastic pieces:
160 Player troops (40 for each of 4 colors)
40 White (unaligned) troops
20 Spies (5 for each of 4 colors)
260 Minion cards:
28 Nobles
12 Soldiers
15 House Guards
15 Priestesses of Lolth
30 Insane Outcasts
160 Market cards (four 40-card half-decks)
68 Die-cut pieces:
40 Tokens, 1 VP
16 Tokens, 5 VP
7 Site control markers
4 Inner-circle boards
First Player Token
Game Time: 1+ Hours
Players: 2-4 Players
Ages: 14+
DND BG Tyrants Of The Underdark
- Product Code: GF9DD74007
- Availability: 1